It’s That Time of Year Again


I am itching to participate in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). While 50,000 words in one month probably sounds akin to torture for some. I usually put in at least 30,000 words a month, so 50 isn’t a stretch. I have a book plotted out, characters found and saved from a photo site and research on the setting done. The problem? I’m not doing NaNo this year.

I want to, but I can’t. I am currently doing massive edits on For Richer or Poorer, the next book in my Western Vows series. I’ve promised it will be out by February 15th and that is a promise I intend to keep. I’m working with my critique group right now to flesh out weakness in the plot and characters. Even knowing this, it’s difficult to see continual talk of NaNo, knowing I should not do it.

A full 2/3’s of my Facebook newsfeed is devoted to NaNo, it is a big deal for many writers. While some choose to eschew it on various grounds, many writers, especially those who publish independently do participate and even enjoy it. Even I know my limits. As much as writing a new novel would be fun, I must finish what I started first.

There is also the small matter of a sale I am running beginning Nov. 1 and running through Nov. 8. That itself would knock out almost a third of NaNo and since my novel will be deeply discounted, any time I’m not editing will be spent advertising.

So, there you have it. No NaNo, but if you haven’t had the chance to order To Honor and Cherish, you’ll want to look for it on the first. I’m only announcing the sale early here, those are the perks of reading the blog. Thank you for reading and following!

Kari Trumbo~To Honor and Cherish

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