New Release Kisses in Keystone

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Hattie’s past need not hold her back, not from him and not from God. CLICK TO TWEET

I’m so excited about this release. Not only can I share my love of a great Old West town, but I get to honor two of my good friends who have overcome addiction. In Kisses in Keystone, Hattie Arnsby struggles with a debilitating addiction to whiskey. It started as a coping mechanism (though it wasn’t obviously called that then) to deal with a father who didn’t love her. When her father was gone, its hooks were in her deeply.

Enter one Hugh Bradly. He cannot overcome her addiction for her, but he can still be her knight on glistening horse that takes her out of her miserable situation and loves her into health.

Hattie Arnsby’s been a slave to men and whiskey for the last year.

She’s drowned herself in drink to avoid her life at the Red Garter Saloon in Keystone, SD. When a handsome deputy finds her after a year of searching, she finally sees a sliver of hope.

Hugh Bradley is deputized to find Hattie and bring her home, but her captors aren’t ready to set her free. He must help her be rid of the drink and the binds of the brothel.
But when Hattie’s handed temptation, will she run back to her past or embrace the love growing between them?

Kisses in Keystone, the second novel in the Seven Brides of South Dakota series by Kari Trumbo, combines romance, history, action, and faith into a story you won’t want to put down.  GET YOUR COPY HERE


If you haven’t had a chance to read the first in the series, you can find Dreams in Deadwood HERE

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